Friday, July 27, 2007

You stink!

No...not you. I would never say such a thing. Buddy stinks. I seriously think my dog has intestinal issues because the amount of gas that he produces is ridiculous. Now before you run away...this post is not all about my stinky dog, so bear with me...I just thought this was funny.

This morning I was in the bathroom getting ready for work as usual. Buddy was laying in his normal spot by the tub munching on his breakfast. You see Buddy is quite social and prefers to eat with company so I kill two birds with one stone and just bring his bowl into the bathroom with us. So, he was eating and I was brushing my teeth.....and all of a sudden he farts...loudly. Talk about clearing a room...I mean come on. This went on all morning. By the time I left for work my house smelled horrible.

Anyhoo, what I really wanted to post about was my plans for this evening. My friend Jen's birthday is today and she and her hubby are having a BBQ tonight to celebrate. I'm pretty excited because I love an excuse to have a party. I bought her a cute pair of shoes and a pair of earrings and I baked her a birthday cake. As far as I know I am spending the night at her house because I don't have a designated driver. I probably won't drink much anyway after last weekend, but better safe than sorry.

Saturday I am hoping for nice weather so I can go swimming. I would really like to go to the creek and swim, but noone will go with me. Everyone always votes for the pool...oh well. I will hopefully remember my camera and will get some pictures to post. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Live and learn

Ok, where do I start? So much has happened since I last posted. Tony and I have been trying to work things out and things have been alright. Not perfect or horrible...but they are OK, so we will see what the future holds. At least we aren't in "I want to kill you" mode anymore ;0).

My parents finally found a house and we got them all moved this past weekend. While I am extremely happy for them I can't help but feel a bit selfish due to the fact that they now live three hours away. But, I will deal with it. Their house is really lovely and they have a spectacular view (they are up on a mountain) so as soon as I get time, I will upload the pictures.

The moving convoy consisted of my sister, brother in law, my uncle, my cousin, three of my dad's friends, my parents, and of course myself. We drove up to the new house on Saturday and got the U-haul unloaded. My uncle, cousin, and one of the buddies were driving back home and the rest of us were spending the night and returning on Sunday. After they left to go home the real fun began as it was time to start drinking.

Let me just say that I am normally not a big drinker. And I usually just stick to beer when I do drink. For some reason I lost all ability to make good decisions at that point. It was probably the campfire that we had going that did it ;0).... yeah, that's it, the fire. Long story short I drank mass quantities of beer (I have no idea exactly how much), some Baileys Irish cream (not much), and 3/4 of a bottle of wine. Yeah...I know. Strangely enough I was not as drunk as you may suspect as I was talking fine and I remember everything...but I was a bit stumble-y if you know what I mean.

When I woke up the next morning I actually didn't feel too bad...until I drank a cup of coffee. Lets just say that I was formally introduced to the new bathrooms quite well. I was so sick all day and had to make the three hour trip home....lesson learned.

I am now officially joke fodder because of this incident, but I think it's funny just the same. Did I happen to mention that all that alcohol was consumed by a 103lb woman? No....well no wonder I was sick ;0) My family is so proud I'm sure.

So, hopefully I will be back to posting more often...hopefully ;0) I've got some catching up to do, so here I go...