I don't have any idea what to write about, but I wanted to get my pity party off of the top. So, I will just give you a rundown of the last few days.
Saturday: Wasn't feeling well when I woke up, and prayed that it wasn't the stomach flu (it wasn't). I got a little bit of housework done, but not much. I am still trying to catch up. I took Tony lunch in the afternoon (he was working), then went to my Godson's birthday party. I posted on Friday that he was 7...I was wrong, he turned 6. They had a bowling party for him and watching all the kids bowl was hilarious! After all that excitement I went home and didn't do much of anything else....I know, it is way too exciting to handle, right?
Sunday: Went to church....I almost overslept until Buddy climbed up on the bed and proceeded to try to lay on my pillow and head. Let me tell you, 117lbs of Labrador ass on you head will either suffocate you or wake you up quickly ;0). Apparently my dog has no sense of where is a proper spot to flop down and lay. Anyhoo, after church I went home and made Tony some brunch. We went to my parents' house in the afternoon for dinner...Mom made chicken pot pie....and we took my grandfather along. So, dinner was delish and we got to see my sis and bro in law as well my aunt and uncle. Everyone had a grand time picking on Tony, as is usually the case because no one sees him that often ;0). We later visited with Tony's parents....Tony's dad is feeling much better and is getting around fairly well considering.
Monday: Work...blah blah....yeah, Monday was a wash...absolutely nothing to tell except we watched 24 and as usual Jack kicked ass!
So, now that I have exposed just how extremely boring I really am, let me just say Congratulations to Beanie's Mama on baby no. 2, and my friend Leah on the arrival of Grace at 8lbs 1oz at 6:40 this morning!
aww...thanks :D
Your weekend didn't sound so bad ;) Sounded pretty relaxing and your dog...hahah...cracks me up! We wanted a lab so badly, but Beans would just probably beat it up (she gets all excited and doesn't know her own strength yet) and I don't think I/we can handle taking care of another being for awhile...we already have our hands full w/Beans and now she'll be a big sis...:D
Thanks again :)
My Son went to a bowling party a few weeks back....VERY funny when kids bowl!
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