Friday, April 06, 2007

Bunnies and Candy and Eggs and Ham and...oh yeah Jesus

I am so freakin glad that it is Friday! This was a week that I just could not wait to be over with. It is of course Good Friday, which means that...duh Sunday is Easter. I know, I am so bright sometimes. Anyway, speaking of the Easter Bunny...I wanna know why that bastard doesn't bring me a basket...I deserve chocolate and jelly beans just as much as the kids do ;0). Just kidding...kinda.

My Easter weekend will be busy, but not as bad as usual, so that is good. Either tonight or tomorrow I will be making peanut butter eggs for Easter favors for the adults...yummy. I will be making a small basket for Tony, just because if I were to make one for all the nieces and nephews, I would be broke. Sunday, I will be going to the sunrise service at church where we get to light candles...should be very nice. We will be having lunch at my parents' house and we will be taking my grandfather (as long as he feels up to it) and then dinner at Tony's parents' house. So, I should be a fat cow by Sunday evening.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and a Happy Easter. May the Easter Bunny bring you lots of goodies, but no rabbit poop ;0)...Hippity Hoppity Easter's on it's way...


Melly` said...

Peanut butter eggs... now that sounds like something fun to make! Hope you remember to post pictures!

Have a wonderful Easter break - I know you will sharing it with family.

Melissa said...

Happy Easter, Missy!

Angela said...

I think you definitely deserve some chcoolate. You'll have to have a little chat with the stupid bunny.

Adamity73 said...

Happy Easter, Miss Little Missy! Doan eet too many Peeps! ;o)

MrRyanO said...

Peanutbutter eggs! That must be a slice of heaven!

Hope your Easter was nice! :D

Nanette said...

Hope you had a great Easter!

Now, peanut butter eggs, I'm intrigued. How do you make them? :)

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

I hope your easter was fantsico!!!! I had a great one filled with lots of candy and eggs of all sorts, but no peanut butter eggs, hmmmm?

