Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Something good needs to happen

Things just have not been too peachy in Missyland lately. My grandfather's trip to the hospital was the start of two crappy weeks. I don't remember if I mentioned it (and I'm too lazy to look) but the doctors finally let Pap come home. He is doing well and is happy to be out of the hospital. Here is a list of the other shit that has been going on recently:
  • My hours at work got cut back, which means I am part-time now.
  • I have been unsuccessful in finding a part-time job to make up what I lost at my current job.
  • My niece turned five (not bad...just made me feel old)
  • One of my very close friend's brother committed suicide...he was only 30
  • Work has been bad due to some people's attitudes.
  • The newbie left and we hired another newbie, so I have to train him.
  • I have so much housework to do I could scream.
As you can see, things have been less than great, so I would really like for something nice to happen. I don't think I can take much more negativity. So, I hope everyone's week is going well so far! Happy Wednesday ;0)


Angela said...

Hope things start looking up soon!

Adamity73 said...

Keep your head up, Melissa. Things happen for a reason and, generally, they turn out all right. Peace.

Nanette said...

Sorry sweetie! With all of that bad, the law of averages has got to allow something good to happen soon!

Melissa said...

Yep, something good is on its way.

Glad to hear your grandfather is out of the hospital!