Tuesday, June 05, 2007

All about Missy

Adam has tagged me once again to answer some questions, so here you go A-bomb ;0)

1. What was I doing 10 years ago? Hmm...Ten years ago I was 18 and graduating High School. It really doesn't seem that long ago, but boy does time fly. I was working at Wawa at the time (I think).

2. What was I doing 1 year ago? 1 year ago we were still trying to get settled into our new house and get some house projects finished. Needless to say we still have a lot to do ;0)

3. Five snacks I enjoy: Mint Chocolate chip ice cream, any kind of fresh fruit, soft pretzels, shrimp pasta salad, pirogies.

4. Five songs to which I know all the lyrics: I am kind of a freak when it comes to song lyrics. I memorize songs very easily. I know all the lyrics to so many songs I don't know where to begin. I have been known to demonstrate my talent for singing along to all the songs on my ipod much to the detriment of whoever is with me at the time ;0p

5. Five things I would do if I were a millionaire: I would pay off all of my/our bills, pay off my parent's/sister's debt, set up college funds for my nieces, I would invest, and of course...I would shop!!!

6. Five Bad Habits: I procrastinate all of the time, I have a mouth (sometimes) that would make a trucker and/or a sailor blush, quick temper, eating late at night, laziness.

7. Five things I like doing: Swimming, playing with the dog, fishing, going to new places to explore, spending time with family.

8. Five things I would never wear again: Oh my lets see...Big hair (the ozone is thanking me), pegged pants, scrunchie socks to match your outfit that were bunched up over said pegged pants, eye patches...When I was little I had to wear patches on my one eye because I had a lazy eye, and the patches were meant to strengthen the weak eye...I hated those things. And last would be any of the crazy colors of eye makeup that I used to love.

9. Five favorite toys: Toys huh? Well, my mp3 players, my computer,....I am really drawing a blank on this one...I guess my Xbox, how about my bathing suit because that means I get to go swimming, and I guess my fishing gear.

Alright, now that everyone sees how awesome I really am (sarcasm) I guess I am supposed to tag some people, but I will leave it open. If you would like to participate please do so and let me know. If you don't want to that's OK too. No one will come after you or anything.

So, on a scale of 1-10 how much of a freak am I? I read over these answers and think to myself ..."Good Lord you are dull" ;0) I hope everyone's Tuesday goes well!


Melissa said...

I am in awe of people who pick up lyrics like that.

And shrimp pasta salad can't be beat.

littlemissy555 said...

Unfortunately Melissa that is the extent of my musical ability...I would love to be able to play instruments like your sister. And, shrimp pasta salad is divine! ;0)

Nanette said...

We would have a ball listening to music together!

They have a new method these days instead of the eye patch--you put drops in the good eye that blur your vision in order to force you to use your lazy eye. (Nick gets to do that, cross your fingers that it works or we have to do the patching)

Adamity73 said...

So...what's "Wawa?" Is that an ice cream shoppe? Or is it a guitar shoppe that specializes in psychedelia, particularly the wawa pedal? ;-)

Melly` said...

Lol - I dont know what a Wawa is either! You guys say shrimp - we say prawns. Come fishing with me and we will catch some! Fresh is best!