Friday, June 01, 2007


I have decided to try to make some small changes in my daily routine/life to try to be, for lack of a better word, better. Now, there are actually lots of things that I would like to accomplish, so the list may seem a bit over zealous, but if I can accomplish a few I will be happy. I don't expect to do everything all at once and my list is simply a guideline.

The list:

  • Try a new recipe once a week (or once every other week).
  • Walk the dog more often or go for longer's good for both of us.
  • Smile at everyone you come in contact with...even if you are having a crappy might cheer someone else up.
  • Clean one room/area of the house per day so that by the weekend it's all done and time can be made for fun stuff.
  • Be more selfless/less selfish.
  • Actually use my sewing machine instead of watching it collect dust.
  • Learn Spanish (again)...I had 4 years of Spanish in school but would like to brush up and learn Latin American Spanish
  • Take a dance class
  • Take Buddy to obedience training (this is probably a lost cause, but it would be funny)
  • Be less hard on myself for my flaws and just keep trying to improve
  • Be less lazy ;0p
  • Go to bed a little earlier and get up a little earlier so I don't have to rush in the morning.
Well, I'm sure that I could come up with some more, but I think this is enough to start with. Anyone have any tips or advice for any of these things? How about any goals or accomplishments that you want to achieve? I may be a bit optimistic with my list, but as I said it is just a guideline for me to try.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! It is supposed to be overcast with possible rain all weekend, but we need rain. So, maybe I will dust off the sewing machine...;0) Happy Friday!


MrRyanO said...

Good list! I too should list changes I need to make, but never get around to it. Maybe that should be the first thing on my list! LOL!

Have a kick ass weekend!

littlemissy555 said...

That's a great idea Rockdog! Have a great weekend too!

Nanette said...

Good luck girl!

If you whip up something fantastic, please share the recipe!

I need to make some new lists too--you can be my inspiration!

Anonymous said...


I saw your blog that mentioned learning Spanish, and just wanted to make you aware of an excellent, free online resource:

You will find that it contains a very comprehensive Spanish course, complete with audio, and it really is free.


Melly` said...

Great list... and fair on Buddy.... except the lessons...I quite like him just the way he is?

littlemissy555 said...

Nanette, I would be glad to share...just as soon as I find something good ;0) And, I am glad to be an inspiration for something!

Anon, thank you for the info, I will check it out ;0)

Melly, Thank you! I like Buddy the way he is as well, but we need to work on his manners with guests. He is usually so very excited to have company that he plows everyone over and jumps up on them. That is what we need work on ;0)