Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It's Summer!

Well hello there! How was everyone's holiday? Good? I hope so! I ate mass quantities of cheeseburgers, grilled chicken, grilled pork chops, and rice and beans. I also got to go swimming which was really awesome because I LOVE to swim.

Tony's sister had the cookout at her house and she has a big in-ground pool. There was one probably know the one...who felt the need to throw people into the pool. It was funny the first few times, but got old pretty quick. I was already in the pool so, I was in the clear.

I did manage to get a little bit of color so instead of being casper white, I have moved into "slightly pasty" territory. Slowly but surely people. I am not one to bake myself in the sun (anymore) due to the fact that I am pretty fair complected and have a higher risk for skin cancer. My dad has skin cancer (he's a redhead) so I am careful about checking myself. But, I do like to be out in the sun and once I get a bit of color I tan pretty well for as pale as I am.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a great weekend. I must get back to work now ;0( Have a happy Wednesday!


Melissa said...

Sounds like the perfect weekend! And the list of available food has made my mouth water, dammit. It's lunchtime and I forgot to bring anything with me today - I think I have cheese and crackers somewhere, but grilled chicken and grilled pork chops sounds MUCH better.

MrRyanO said...

Glad to know there are others in this world who take pride in throwing people into the pool far after it has stopped being funny. LOL!

Angela said...

Sounds awesome. I've yet to hit the pool this year, but I'm just doing everyone a favor as I don't want to blind the innocent.

Nanette said...

Now I'm hungry!

We hit the pool too! I'm afraid that summer will be over before we know it, so could someone please push the pause button?