Thursday, May 10, 2007

I don't wanna grow up....

As I have previously mentioned, I have been hunting for a new job. I am currently an office manager for a retail flooring company. I handle all of the bookkeeping, payroll, scheduling, some sales, answering the phone, and whatever else comes up.

Each time I look in the paper or search jobs online, I have no problem finding accounting jobs or customer service jobs, but nothing very interesting. Do you know what I mean? They are all pretty much the same, except for the industries, but the accounting isn't that different.

So, seeing all of these positions has me thinking about what I would REALLY like to be doing. I went to Penn State University for a year and majored in Agriculture Science..just shut up...but college just wasn't my thing at the time. I would love to take some online courses, but I don't have the slightest idea what I would like to study. My problem is that I would love to study 10 different things, but that doesn't really make much sense now does it? No, didn't think so.

I actually keep coming back to nursing, but I am just unsure. I would also like to be able to travel a bit (even if just locally) and/or work from home, but I just don't know what I want to pursue.

So, what made you guys want to do what you do? Or, did it just kind of happen (that was me)? Do you enjoy your job/career? And, did you feel this frustrated when you were deciding which path to take? Wow, that a lot of questions ;0) Happy Thursday!


Anonymous said...

I am a tourism officer - I was born for the job as I love my town so much - I write about it on my blog. And the pollution,nymphoes,rioting etc as well.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I struggled to find what I wanted to do. I was in office manager type positions and went back to school to find a path that better suited me. I work in higher ed and I love it. However, it was a long road to get where I am. If you haven't looked at it, "What color is my parachute" is a good place to start.

Finding a job in an industry that interests you might be a way to go. You would start off joining with a job that uses your current skills, but you want to look for growth opportunity. That will give a clearer indication if that is the right environment for you. For example, if nursing appeals to you, look for a job with your current experience in a hospital or doctor's office setting. Meanwhile, you would be checking out the work culture there and if it still interests you, you can find out from new coworkers how to get the experience you need to change jobs.

Angela said...

I think I've always wanted to do something artistic, even when I was very young. I love advertising and graphic design, especially at an agency with a variety of clients, because it encompasses so many different types of design. No two days are ever the same.

I think you should definitely fulfill your dreams, whatever they are. You only live once, and we spend so much time at work that you should be enjoying what you do!

MrRyanO said...

I wuld love to work from home! That would be great!

Have a great weekend!

littlemissy555 said...

Mutley, that sounds great! I will be sure to check out your blog. Thanks for stopping by! ;0)

zeedog, thank you for all the great advice! I will have to check that out. Thank you for dropping in!

Angela, It is great that you love what you do. I agree that I need to do something that I really enjoy, because we only get one go at it ;0)

Rockdog,I think working from home would be awesome! Hope you have a great weekend too!!

Anonymous said...

My ex-college roomie is a soil scientist (forget the title of his gig) for an ag company who does very well for himself. Food for thought.

As for the day job, I got into computers via a member of a industrial rock band in college (heavily reliant on computers). The roundabout way to acquire a BS in computer science.

littlemissy555 said...

Thank you Nocturnal! I will have to do some research on that. It sounds like you had a good time achieving your BS in comp. science...that's the way to do it ;0)