Monday, May 07, 2007

Oh the pain...

This weekend brought the following things:
  • sunburn
  • 2 flowerbeds full of flowers and mulch
  • clean laundry/house
  • achy muscles where I didn't know I had muscles
  • a twisted ankle
  • a gash/bruise on my shin
  • oyster stew
  • A picnic with my family
  • ice cream
Now, doesn't that sound like a busy weekend? I figured it was easier just to do bullets than to try to write all that stuff out. I am sure that you can devise that the sunburn and achy muscles are from planting the flowers. I also managed to clean the house and do some laundry that I hung out on the line so it smells wonderful. The ankle/shin injuries are courtesy of my beloved Buddy. We had gone outside for a potty break (for him, not me) and were coming up to the back porch. There is a step up, and I didn't have his leash tight and he was excited to go in, thus pulling me forward and catching me off guard. I twisted my ankle and in trying to catch myself I slammed my shin into the porch...OUCH! It is purple and bloody and swollen, but I sat there and laughed because there was nothing else I could do.

Now, the picnic. My parents, my sister, brother-in-law, and myself went over to my grandfather's "home" and took oyster stew and sandwiches and had a picnic in the pavilion by the creek. It was nice to sit in the sun, and I think he really enjoyed the company. Tony's mom brought ice cream over later and we sat on the porch and enjoyed the new flowers.

I had a pretty satisfying weekend, how about you? Did you do anything fun or interesting?


MrRyanO said...

Sounds like a good time! The flowerbeds around my house are full of colorful weeds and dazzling rocks! The weather was great so we were outide with the kids a lot! Good times!

Have a good week!

Melissa said...

Minus the sunburn, achy muscles and gashed shin, it sounds great! Out in the sun, planting flowers, frolicking with Buddy (don't deny it, you know you frolic) and oyster stew? Wonderful.

Melly` said...

Yep - the stuff good weekends are made of. Even the aches, sunburn and the gashed skin - they were made with love?!

littlemissy555 said...

Rockdog, I will try, considering it may take that long to recoup ;0)

Melissa, It really was great, but I really could've done without the gash. Oh, does rolling around in the grass count as frolicking? The stew was homemade and very yummy!

Melly, everything was made with love!! If it wouldn't have been such a travesty, I wouldn't have had anything to write about, so it all worked out. ;0)