Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!

I really don't have anything of substance today but I wanted to say Happy Halloween!!! This is one of my favorite holidays. I just love seeing all the little cuties in their costumes. But as RSM posted things just aren't the same as they used to be. I don't have kids, so I am not exactly in the same boat....I just got more lame as I've gotten older.

I have not decided weather I am going to dress up to hand out candy. I guess that will depend on my mood at about 5:45 ;0). So anyway, good luck to anyone with kiddies going trick-or-treating, and to anyone else, be safe and have fun!

Happy Halloween !!!!!!!


Unknown said...

I love it when the people who are handing out candy dress up!!! My daughter really got a kick out of all the decorations the people in my mom's neighborhood had out- all the "noise" and "pum-kins!" lol.

littlemissy555 said...

I always used to like that too. I painted my face, but we didn't get very many kids this year ;0(