Friday, May 25, 2007

Finally Friday

I am so glad that this weekend is a long weekend because after this week, I need a break! My boss was in the hospital from Monday thru Thursday, so today is his first day back. That means that I was running the show (I do anyway, so that doesn't really mean anything). But, it has been more hectic than usual so I am going to go home tonight and relax.

Actually, I will be going to watch a softball game, then I will go home and drink a beer. Yes, that sounds good. Saturday we will be going to a cookout and watching the UFC fight between Chuck Liddell and "Rampage" Jackson. I can't wait to see that fight! I totally hope Chuck wins.

Anyone have any big plans for the Memorial Day holiday? I don't think we do, but I never know what's going on ;0p. I will be sure though to think about our troops (past and present).

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday weekend. I hope to be tanner and more relaxed come Tuesday!


MrRyanO said...

The Ice Man is bad ass!

Have a great weekend!

littlemissy555 said...

He is bad ass! Have a great weekend too!

Melissa said...

So? Tanner? More relaxed?